Friday, April 25, 2008

Wellness Project - Week 7

Well, nothing really notable in my sleeping schedule happened this week. I've mostly been going to bed at 11:30PM, which I know is still too late, but if I get up at 8:30AM and I'm not tired enough to just fall in my bed at 11:00PM, maybe my body can handle going to bed a half hour late every night. Or I should try getting up earlier by 15 minutes. Maybe I'll try that one time and see how it goes, although I have to say I do get pretty tired in the middle of the day as it is. Overall, I've been pretty successful so far in keeping with my original goals.

As an addendum to my Fitness Project post last week, I will briefly go over the results of the “Meeting My Fitness Goals” activity on page 29. Basically, I am unable to meet my goals because my muscles apparently need more time to become as elastic as my final goal would have required. I've no doubt improved my flexibility, but not by as much as I had thought I would. So in an effort to make my final goal more reachable, I'll be lowering my expected percentile rank from 80 to 60; however, it very well may be possible for me to end up between the 60th and 70th percentile.

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